The Birth Story of Quinn Caroline | Louisville and Southern Indiana Birth Photographer

“Birth is not only about making babies. It’s about making mothers: strong, capable mothers who trust themselves and believe in their inner strength.”

Barbara Katz Rothman


This momma… There’s so much I could say about how amazing she was as she brought her daughter into the world, but words wouldn’t even do it justice. I know she would say that she didn’t feel strong, but I’m here to say over and over, YOU WERE!

When Quinn looks at these photos one day, I hope she can see her mother’s strength and feel the depth of her mother and father’s love for her. I hope she sees how very adored she was, from the very start. I hope that seeing how joyfully her brothers, sisters and parents welcomed her reminds her how loved and cherished she is. What a lucky, lucky girl.

If I could tell Quinn about her entrance into the world, I’d say…

Sweet Quinn - I hope you know how incredibly strong your momma is. She worked so, so hard for you. Through the minutes and hours, the pain and intense moments, she remained steady and focused on you. I wish you could know how many times she said she was just ready to see you. Your dad remained calm and encouraging as he supported your mom through each contraction that eventually led to you. You created quite the commotion when you made your entrance into the world! There were plenty of joyful tears cried when you let out your first cry, and your momma couldn’t wait to have you in her arms.

Welcome to the world, beautiful girl. You are so very loved by such a wonderful family.